Conservation & Environment Commission


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The Branford Conservation and Environment Commission serves to protect our town’s natural resources. The Commission provides an advisory role for the care and management of Branford Town open space properties.

Additionally, the Commission provides recommendations to the Board of Selectmen and the Representative Town Meeting regarding environmental and conservation matters and the impact that various kinds of development have on our town’s environment. The Commission is empowered to investigate the source and nature of pollution within the Town of Branford.

The Commission can research and gather information of alleged violations of land use standards or clean air as established by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.

The Commission proudly cooperates alongside other commissions, departments, and agencies, such as Planning & Zoning Commission, Inland Wetlands Commission, Parks and Recreation, Public Works, Community Forestry Commission, East Shore Health District, Branford Land Trust, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Federal Environmental Protection Agency, as well as agencies in surrounding towns.

The Commission consists of 11 members who shall be residents of the Town of Branford appointed by the Board of Selectmen. Members serve without compensation:

Michelle Martin   Clerk 1019 Main Street, PO Box 150 (203) 488-1255 4 Years  
Karen Hannon R   6A Wildwood Drive (203) 623-0809 4 Years 7/31/2026
Patrick Sweeney U   38 Palmer Road (203) 208-2051 4 Years 7/31/2026
Carol Kaminsky D   15 Pine Orchard Road (203) 488-7476 4 Years  7/31/2026
Karyl Lee Hall D   P.O. Box 3072 (203) 481-2792 4 Years 7/31/2027
Adrian Bonenberger D   14 Katie Joe Lane (203) 909-1021 4 Years 7/31/2027
 Christie Day     2 Farm River Road (203) 483-9881 4 Years 7/31/2027
Vacancy (Jasek) U       4 Years 7/31/2027
Heather Wells-Sweeney D Chair 38 Palmer Road (203) 208-2051 4 Years 07/31/2027
Lauren Ruotolo D   10 Yale Court (808) 333-7715 4 Years 7/31/2028  
Joshua Greenberg U   100 Clark Avenue (907) 888-6000 4 Years 07/31/2027
Neil Goodlad     8 Pine Wood Road   4 Years 07/31/2027



  • Investigate pollution within the Town, including alleged violations of clean air and clean water standards as established by the Connecticut Department of Environment Protection
  • Recommend to the Board of Selectmen, the Representative Town Meeting and other Town, state and federal agencies suggested procedures, ordinances, rules and interlocal agreements to abate and prevent pollution
  • Conduct such surveys as may be required; investigate the source and nature of pollution hazards
  • Review federal, state and Town records
  • Conduct public hearings for the purpose of obtaining information leading to the abatement and prevention of pollution; keep records of such surveys, inspections or hearings
  • Oversee the completion of a Natural Resources Inventory at least every 10 years (see Documents section)