Our plant lists for Anderson Lookout and Branford Early Learning Center:
Native plant lists:
- https://www.gardenforwildlife.org/ Ready-made prescribed plant kits for order based on zip code, type of garden, sun or shade. Great for novice gardeners or those new to native plant types.
- https://uconn.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/CAHNRExtension/EUow4T4PG-JJuI1TlErQM3...
- https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/Native_Plant_Materials/Native_Gardenin...
More pollinator information:
- Doug Tallamy’s Homegrown National Park website
- Branford Pollinator Pathway
- Kathy Connolly, Connecticut landscape design, information on native planting
Branford Pollinator Pathway map:
- Email address: branfordpollinatorpathway@gmail.com