- Board of Finance agenda 11-25-2024 REVISED
- ........Items 4 thru 7 Pension Presentation Qtr Ended 9-30-2024
- ........Item #9 REVISED ARPA Actions & Appropriations
- Board of Finance agenda 11-25-2024
- ........Item #9 ARPA Actions, Appropriations and Allocations-Jim Finch Memo
- ........Item #10-Capital Projects Transfer Request -Jim Finch Memo
- Board of Finance 10-28-2024 CANCELLED
- Board of Finance agenda 09-30-2024 Link to Audit
- Board of Finance agenda 08-26-2024
- ........Item#s 4-7 Pension Reports Q2
- ........Item #11 Axon In-Car Camera Proposal
- Board of Finance 07-29-2024 CANCELLED
- Board of Finance agenda 06-24-2024
- ........Items 3,5,6 & 7
- ........Item #9 Suspense Lists
- ........Item #9 J. Cosgrove Memo re PPA Ecology Park
- ........Item #9 Solar Map PowerPoint - Ecology Park
- ........Item #9 Power Purchase Agreement - Ecology Park
- Board of Finance agenda 05-20-2024
- Board of Finance agenda 04-29-2024
- ........Item #3 Building Dept Transfer 4-29-2024
- ........Item #4 Open Space Transfer 4-29-2024
- ........Item #5 Exec Transfer
- ........Item #6 Reval & Future Budgets Discussion
- Board of Finance agenda + Budget Workshop for 04-01-2024
- hooker_and_holcombe_presentation_bof_4-24.pdf
- 2023_valuation_report_branford_police.pdf
- 2023_valuation_report_branford_fire_pension.pdf
- opeb_valuation_2022.pdf
- FY2025 Requested Budget
- ........Finance Director's memo re Requested FY25 Budget
- Board of Finance agenda 03-21-2024 -- FY2025 Budget Hearings
- ........03-21-2024 agenda with Budget Book Page #'s
- ........Blackstone Library handout
- ........Item 3 -- ARPA Recommendations
- Board of Finance agenda 03-19-2024 -- FY2025 Budget Hearings
- ........03-19-2024 agenda with Budget Book Page #'s
- Board of Finance agenda 03-18-2024 -- FY2025 Budget Hearings
- ........03-18-2024 agenda with Budget Book Page #'s
- Board of Finance agenda 02-26-2024 SPECIAL
- ........Item #s 1 thru 4 Pension Reports
- Board of Finance agenda 01-29-2024 SPECIAL
- ........Item #7 WIS memo-J. Cosgrove