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Founders of Branford

The list below is composed of families who were the first settlers in 1644 or came by 1667 when the New Plantation Covenant was signed after the migration to Newark, New Jersey. In cases where fathers and sons were both here during that period, only the founder of the family is listed. Women were rarely, if ever included in accounts of early settlers in Branford or in any other areas of the New World. Thomas Mulliner and Thomas Whitway were squatters and living here before the Wethersfield group came in 1644.


Robert Abbott +

George Adams *

Edward Barker *

Roger Betts +

Thomas Blatchley +*

Lesly Bradfield +

Isaac Bradley *

John Charles *

John Collins *

Jasper Crane +*

Daniel Dodd +

John Edwards +

John England +

Thomas Fenner +

Robert Foote *

Edward Frisbie +*

Richard Goodrich

Thomas Goodsell *

Henry Gratwick +*

Nathaniel Gunn

Richard Harrison +

John Hill +


William Hoadley *

John Horton +

Anthony Howd*

Richard Lawrence +

Francis Linsley +

John Linsley +*

John Lupton +

William Maltby *

Richard Mather +

Robert Meeker +

William Merchant +

Thomas Morris +

Thomas Mulliner +

Samuel Nettleton +

John Norton +

George Page *

Micah Palmer *

William Palmer +

Rev. Abraham Pierson

John Plumb +

Samuel Pond *

Sigismond Richalls +*


Thomas Richards +

John Robbins *

John Rogers *

Robert Rose+

William Rosewell *

Thomas Sargent +*

Rev.John Sherman

Eleazer Stent*

William Swaine +

Michael Taintor *

Edward Treadwell +

Peter Tyler *

George Ward +

John Ward *

Lawrence Ward +

Samuel Ward *

John Waters*

Thomas Wheadon*

John Whitehead +*

Thomas Whitway +

John Wilford *

Richard Williams +



+ first settlers 1644

* signed New Plantation Covenant 1667

Last Updated: Thu, 06/20/2019 - 11:17am