Fire Marshal Inspections are conducted under the authority of Connecticut General Statute 29-292-6d and 29-305.
To schedule an inspection please call 203-488-7266 at least 7 business days in advance.
29-292-6d Inspections
(a) Each local fire marshal, the State Fire Marshal, and their respective designees, shall conduct inspections of buildings and facilities regulated by Sections 29-292-1d to 29-292-9d, inclusive, within their jurisdiction as prescribed in Section 29-305 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
(b) Each local fire marshal, the State Fire Marshal, and their respective designees, may conduct inspections as often as may be necessary during the construction of new buildings, structures, or additions, and during the course of renovations, alterations, or modernizations for the purpose of satisfying themselves that all work is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications.
Sec. 29-305. (Formerly Sec. 29-52). Inspections by local fire marshals. Reports.
Each local fire marshal and the State Fire Marshal, for the purpose of satisfying themselves that all pertinent statutes and regulations are complied with, may inspect in the interests of public safety all buildings and facilities of public service, all buildings and facilities used for manufacturing and all occupancies regulated by the Fire Safety Code within their respective jurisdictions. Each local fire marshal shall inspect or cause to be inspected, at least once each calendar year and as often as may be necessary in the interests of public safety, all buildings and facilities of public service and all occupancies regulated by the Fire Safety Code within his jurisdiction, except residential buildings designed to be occupied by one or two families which shall be inspected, upon complaint or request of an owner or occupant, only for the purpose of determining whether the requirements specified in said code relative to smoke detection and warning equipment have been satisfied. Upon receipt by him of information from an authentic source that any other building or facility within his jurisdiction is hazardous to life safety from fire, he shall inspect such building or facility. In each case in which the local fire marshal conducts an inspection, he shall satisfy himself that all pertinent statutes and regulations are complied with, and shall keep a record of such investigations. Such local fire marshal shall have the right of entry by himself or by his lawful agent at all reasonable hours into or upon any premises within his jurisdiction for the performance of his duties except that occupied dwellings and habitations, exclusive of common use passageways and rooms in tenement houses, hotels and rooming houses, may only be entered for inspections between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., except in the event of any emergency requiring his immediate attention for safety to life, or in the interests of public safety. Each local fire marshal shall make a monthly report to the authority from which he received his appointment, and shall be paid for his services in making such inspections of buildings and facilities the compensation agreed upon with such appointing authority.
Plan Reviews are required by Connecticut General Statute 29-292-4d. Plans are to be submitted through the Town of Branford Building Department. If you would like to discuss your plans with a representative from the Fire Marshal's office please call 203-488-7266 to schedule an appointment. Plan reviews will be conducted within 30 days of being received by this office.
29-292-4d Plan Submittal and Review
Detailed plans and specifications for new structures and additions, renovations, or alterations to existing structures shall be submitted by the applicant to the local fire marshal having jurisdiction to demonstrate compliance with Section 29-263 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
Exception: Detached one and two family dwellings